“Since they taught pitching machines how to play fetch, I’ve pretty much lost interest in robots.”
“When you’re ready for a change, we’re ready to help.”
Of course, they’re not selling to the public. Check the MLS: They’re terrible at selling houses. But at the boiler-room huckstering of gullible self-bankrupting real estate agents, they are beyond parallel.
As I’ve pointed out, technology is well-suited for the paperwork side of the real estate business, but it is lousy at selling and servicing real estate in the real world.
Guess what you can’t sub out or hire? Fire in the belly. No rainmaker, no rain.
The future of Zillow and all big corporations is Nikole Hannah-Jones: Mau-maued to death by consistent, craven C-suite gutlessness. But: Whatever: If you can sell and not just market, you’ll be fine.
In other news:
Housing Wire: For the third week in a row, mortgage rates stay at 2.73%.
Housing Wire: Zillow to buy ShowingTime for $500M. You will be assimilated by The Borg.
Mortgage News Daily: Conforming Loan Standards Loosened in January. From Brian Brady: “Mortgage guidelines loosening. The AVMs are back and appraisal waivers are being handed out like free candy.”
Housing Wire: Zillow revenue grows 22% in 2020.
Seeking Alpha: Is This The Biggest Financial Bubble Ever? Hell Yes It Is.
American Greatness: The Coming Military Purge.
AND Magazine: Killing the Republic – Trump As Tiberius Gracchus.
Daniel Greenfield: In Its Desperation to Get Trump, Senate Created Unconstitutional Precedent for Impeaching Former Officials.
American Thinker: The Democrats’ misread conservatives when they attack Trump.
American Thinker: American Police State: No Questions Allowed.