“No one asks a dog a question expecting ‘no’ for the answer.”
You just watched the Ruling Class pull out all the stops – lying blatantly about everything associated with the virus, destroying the world’s economy, impoverishing billions, killing millions – to prevent, disrupt and corrupt the election. You know that’s true, just as you knew all along that Hydroxychloroquine is an effective therapeutic and prophylactic.
I foresaw the deliberate crashing of the economy – and Trump’s aborning new center party – coming on five years ago, but I am proud to say that I did not envision the craven sociopathy of it all: These people are indifferent to all life. They literally let millions die from what is very probably a Marxist bio-weapon to put down the President Fallguy who was too good at being president to fall on his own, like a Republican should.
So: When it turns out that the rushed, untested vaccine is most effective at inhibiting pregnancy, please don’t pretend to be surprised. They’ve already made it plain they want you gone from the earth.
Yesterday on BloodhoundBlog:
Brian Brady: Real Estate Agents May Work Against Buyers’ Interests With Shortened Contract Contingencies.
In other news:
Housing Wire: 2020 home sales hit highest level since 2006. Nothing scary about that headline…
CNBC: Former Cisco CEO John Chambers says his start-ups are skipping over Silicon Valley.
Jordan Davidson: Woman Behind Bernie Sanders’ Iconic Mittens Quit Making Them Because High Taxes Killed Her Business.
Don Surber: The impeachment is about legitimizing Biden.
Charles Hurt: With Impeachment, Congress Trying to Overturn Future Elections.
Libertas Bella: China Owns Us: How the Chinese Are Buying Up America.
Jeffrey Lord: Joe Biden: The New George Wallace.