“More kids, less cant. More can, less can’t. What’s not to like?”
Housing is about kids and dogs. Every noun in that sentence will do better, going forward, because of 2020’s hysterical Ci overreach. Everyone wants to believe in his own peculiar genius, but good news, most often, comes from the other guy’s mistakes. Rejoice and be glad in it.
Housing Wire: Will we have a buyer’s housing market in 2021?
Housing Wire: Could 2% define mortgage rates for the next decade?
CNBC: Home prices are rising faster in the middle of the U.S. as Covid drives people away from coasts.
Jordan Davidson: Exodus From Blue States In 2020 Fueled By COVID And Government Mandates.
American Thinker: The Future: It Ain’t Gonna Be Pretty.
Margot Cleveland: Is The United States Too Big To Save?