“Every dog is bred, in one way or another. Damn few are cultivated.”
So said Archimedes. Here is a simple lever to fix everything that is wrong in civil society – in due course:
Change your state’s Family Law to default to residential custody to the father regardless of marital state.
Right now, the incentives are intentionally inverted toward family destruction. By returning to default custody to the father, you eliminate virtually all divorce and most out-of-wedlock births. In five years, children will be able to spell again. In ten, they will have recovered the ability to make change. In twenty years, there will be a lot more children around. And in fifty short years we will be back to 1970 – where we were when the war on the family began its final assault.
Everything you want changed in laws and constitutions requires the long-range vision of fathers. But everything you want in everyday life – honesty, trustworthiness, reliability, follow-through – all of those are brought to the world by fathers, too.
When we robbed our children of their fathers, we robbed America of everything that had made it great. We can get back to where we belong simply by unmaking that awful mistake.
Christmas Brutality: How to slay dragons.
Yesterday on BloodhoundBlog:
Greg Swann: Bloodhound’s end-of-year letter to our rental-property investors: Thriving by surprise.
Housing Wire: Mortgage rates remain at record-low levels.
Daniel Greenfield: Democrats Destroyed All the Savings of Americans Three Times Over.
Tyler O’Neil: 5 Great Trump Victories in 2020.
The Federalist: Donald Trump Has Been The Most Illuminating President In Decades.
Victoria Taft: 5 Reasons Why You’re Not Crazy to Question the Election Results.
Reason: The Bipartisan Push To Gut Section 230 Will Suppress Online Speech.