“People don’t like riots? Who knew?”
My take, about which I may have much more to say later:
For freedom of trade to persist, trustworthiness should not just be assumed but never doubted. Accordingly, worthy traders must be more than simply non-predatory – they must be explicitly, overtly and vigilantly anti-predation.
There are far too many ways to get this wrong, but here is an easy way for Redfin to start getting it right:
Tell the truth – all of it.
Christmas Brutality: A future more vivid.
Outside the mall:
Redfin: 6 of the 10 Most Competitive Cities For Buying a Home This Year Are in Washington State. How’d that happen?
Reason: Will Cities Survive 2020?
Redfin: Housing Market Update: Home Prices Up 14%, Pending Sales Rise 34%. More about what the riots that definitely did not happen this Summer still aren’t doing to the real estate markets.
Libby Emmons: The New York Times Using Its Reporting Resources To Weaponize Teen Drama Is A Scary Trend. This story is precisely why the NAR gave itself a speech code: Weaponized evil.
Andrea Widburg: Ukraine press conference explicitly ties Hunter and Joe Biden to corruption.
American Thinker: A Supreme Court in Hiding is Dangerous for Our Country.
The Federalist: A National Popular Vote Won’t Fix The Electoral College, But Smaller Government Will.
FEE.org: Compulsory Schooling Laws: What if We Didn’t Have Them?