“Did someone say ‘ten days of darkness’? There is no place like home for the holidays!”
I left out the Chinese spies leak yesterday, but then the treasury breach made it plan I was mistaken. The first was old news, narrative manipulation, a shot across the bow. But if SolarWinds is compromised, then much (most?) of the useful internet is compromised.
The quote in the headline is me in a comment on Facebook last night. I’m pithy everywhere.
Rob Hahn: Seven Predictions for 2021.
National File: LEAK CONFIRMED: Chinese Communists Have Infiltrated Top Companies, Governments In US, UK, Australia.
Apple Insider: Foreign hackers breach US Treasury Department.
Just The News: Amid fears of overwhelmed medical systems, data shows ample hospital capacity nationwide.
Real Clear Politics: Republicans Are Blowing It in Georgia, and We May All Pay the Price.
The Federalist: Ben Domenech: Media, Big Tech Deliberately Lied About Hunter Biden To Shield Joe.
Hal Turner: Loud Arguments in US Supreme Court Chambers over Texas Lawsuit – COURT INTIMIDATED.
AmmoLand: Terror, Supreme Court Justices, and the Existential Threat.
Kurt Schlichter: Could Secession Succeed?
City Journal: How to Fix American Capitalism: End insider privileges by renewing the freedoms to build, to work, to sell, and to learn.