“If you trust judges, you’ve never been to a dog show.”
But: Yet: The states are individually and separately sovereign, each entitled to withdraw from the club at will – in theory, which theory Lincoln, et al, disputed.
The Supreme Court exists to mediate disputes among states, thus to avoid dissolution of the union of states.
We’ll see what happens going forward, but yesterday the Supreme Court punted on its reason for existence. Stupid and cowardly. #EverybodyKnows this election was rigged. Doing nothing just makes them look bought, too.
Meanwhile, what would be the alternative to the peaceful resolution of disputes? Another hashtag: #FAFO.
CNBC: Here’s how the eviction crisis could increase the spread of Covid in the US.
Rob Hahn: Disparate Impact and the NAR Code of Ethics.
CNBC: Oracle is moving its headquarters from Silicon Valley to Austin, Texas.
CNBC: Texas governor says companies moving headquarters to the state has turned into a ‘tidal wave’.
The Federalist: SCOTUS Rejects Texas Lawsuit Contesting Biden’s Wins In Swing States.
The Epoch Times: Former Special Forces Officer Warns of Color Revolution Tactics Used Against Trump.
City Journal: Arbitrary and Illogical: California resumes unjustified Covid-19 stay-at-home orders.
Brian Brady says:
Comment on the first link: It would have been a good journalistic practice to ask Leifheit and Pollack if they included the effects COVID had on landlords’ families in this “study”. 90% of the landlords in this country own just one property and it’s leveraged. Missed rental payments put a strain on those landlords’ families, too.
Comment on the last link: if you follow me on social media, you will see that I am on a mission to patronize businesses who defy the shut down order in CA. I have visited one each day this week and will continue to support businesses which stand up to this stupid shut down order
I always depart with two admonitions to the owner:
1- stay open and I will be the guy who stands between the Sheriff and your business. Close and I won’t ever come back. Ever.
2- Vote Republican.
December 12, 2020 — 8:37 am