“Red Americans got rooked once and completely. Black Americans get rooked with every spin of the ‘economic cycle.’ That’s how you know Black Lives Matter.”
Redfin: Housing Market White Hot After Labor Day: Home Prices Up 13%, Pending Sales Up 27%. CTRL-F ‘riot’; not found.
Housing Wire: MBA: 11 million households fell behind on rent or mortgages in second quarter.
CNBC: Refinancing your mortgage will cost more thanks to an ‘adverse market’ fee.
Forbes: The Paradox Of The U.S. Black Home Ownership Rate.
John Wake is an old friend of mine and of BloodhoundBlog’s. He doesn’t address it here, but a further consequence of the rioting will be a decimation of black homeownership in the riot-wracked cities: The homes that were not destroyed are bleeding equity with every departing U-Haul van. The middle class is how we grow – as traders but also as neighbors. Strangers learn to love each other from trade – that’s how polyglot cities have always worked – but traders cultivate their neighbors by their good example. The social capital this Summer’s riots have destroyed far exceeds the physical damage.
So take just a moment, right here in the middle of the news, to reflect upon the hypocrisy of the so-called “leadership” of the so-called “real estate industry.” Redfin pimps an ugly, racist hiring preference for its Board of Directors and the grand poohbahs of the big brokerages actually promise wholesale violations of fair employment laws – all to make up for the “systemic racism” for which they are the actual and ongoing “system.” And yet, not one of them is standing up to defend the black middle class as it is being exsanguinated right before our eyes. We are “led” by scum – the sleaze that rose to the top.
Housing Wire: And yet: Hype springs Autumnal: Pandemic drives more interest in real estate careers.
Rob Hahn: Exploring the math of a kind of real estate with no mother-in-law deals in it. Real Estate Agents and Productivity: A Quick Thought Experiment.
Housing Wire: A who’s who of Biden economic advisors.
City Journal: Critical Race Theory in American Classrooms.
City Journal: Defending American Values, and History.