If it’s not obvious, the big ugly question is my addition.
That is to say: Yet again: CTRL-F ‘riot’; not found.
I was snarking about yesterday’s disinfo on Facebook, thusly:
If #Redfin were of a mind to do something actually useful, this matters:
Some cities that might be considered riot-prone effected the time-honored policing strategy of taking the hotheads down fast and decisively, snuffing off the conflagration before it could start. Two I can think of are Detroit and Lancaster, PA.
My question: What is the relative difference in the riot-induced exodus in cities like that, compared to the ones which indulged their rioters?
That would be useful information – and a refreshing reconciliation with the truth. Simply classifying cities by their riot-friendliness would be a mitzvah.
And a friend popped off with this:
A riot score next to the walk score?
Bree-izz-illiant! A RiotScore is much more valuable than a WalkScore. If you’re running from trouble, how can you be sure you’re not racing from the frying pan straight into the fire?
Easy to compute. Redfin tried to pretend yesterday that that silly Red/Blue nonsense is meaningful. In fact, Blue cities (cities that are full of very red Marxists, so we lie and call them Blue) are surrounded by Blue suburbs, leading to a Blue-to-Blue exodus that is apparently confusing to people paid to be confused.
What matters more is the factor cited above: How do the local police respond to pre-riot activity? A riot is a critical mass of hotheads that is enflamed by one or more super-hotheads. Pinch off those match-heads right away and there will be no riot. Blue suburbs with reliable cops will have a very hot seller’s market. Those less vigilant will be eclipsed by Redder (less Marxist) exurbs further out.
Another obvious tell: Was the steely-eyed, up-through-the-ranks, by-the-book police chief recently replaced by a newcomer who is (check as many boxes as possible) black, hispanic, female, homosexual, satanist, etc? Has that intersectional fallperson since resigned or been fired? Yikes!
Democrat mayor? Red flag. Democrat governor, too? So much worse. The mayor has a graduate degree in one of the many flavors of Marxism Studies? Why did anyone ever buy there?
It’s not hard to figure out where riots are most likely to occur – and to estimate their relative real estate impacts. But first you have to admit that there are riots roiling real estate markets all over the country.