Let’s begin with a basic truth. I have nothing whatsoever to add to any blogging conversation veering into technology. I don’t get it, don’t understand it. Did I say I don’t understand the technology of blogging? Hell, I don’t even understand much of the basic nomenclature. Most of us learned early on to take so-called technical advances with a truckload of salt, especially after watching most of them fizzle like a water soaked cherry bomb. It’s gotten so bad, some have viewed the geek crowd’s constant prophesying of website TechNirvana as the eighth plague of Egypt. I’m not nearly that harsh in my view, but their general credibility could use some R & R — Rest and Restoration. (badda boom)
I’m not talkin’ here about agent sites with an IDX for lead generation. That’s a whole different herd of cats. Not my bailiwick. When it comes to that subject, I ‘call the guy’, and have.
Can Real Estate Agents Generate Income From Blogs?
The short answer is yes. But most are horrific crash ‘n burns more suited to the next Jackass sequel. In fact, most agents don’t know an agent who blogs, successful or not. They’re told to blog cuz it’s online, and that’s where the industry is these days. Well, kinda sorta, but that’s another discussion.
Though I’m still an enthusiastic proponent for hyperlocal, most think it’s either A) Intrinsically worthless or B) WAY too much work. Too each their own. I’m all about content, though I promise not to mention the clichΓ© about blog content that just entered your mind. π It’s all about what you bring to the table. Is it any different than all the other yawners out there? Or are you steppin’ up with real information, expertise, and superior knowledge?
Here’s the deal
Given your specific market, will readers of your blog come away thinking you’re the go-to agent? We all search the net about subjects in which we’re interested. When that interest becomes serious, we become more critical. In my opinion that’s pretty universal.
It’s at that point a blog’s author either wins ’em over or loses ’em.
Over the years I’ve come to appreciate Greg’s approach — he consistently demonstrates superiority where it counts, does it many times weekly, then waits for readers to raise their hands. What many agents considering a blog don’t consider though, is that Greg also produces real world results. He says what can be done — what and how he can do it — then makes it happen.
What a wonderful formula for blogging success.
The thing is, and this is a secret kept well by successful bloggers, it usually takes six months or more to get bankable results. It’s one thing to make a good first impression. It’s a whole different ballgame to get a homeowner to raise their hands for the privilege of paying you thousands of dollars to sell their home. Or, relying upon you to get their back WHILE gettin’ them into the most important financial transaction they’ll probably ever execute.
Google can recognize you cuz of all the brilliant SEO crappola you put into play. Your traffic might be better than mine. In fact, I can almost guarantee you your traffic will, and probably sooner than later, eclipse mine. Mine is wholly unimpressive by any objective standard. My traffic numbers don’t even impress Mom.
The point is, the number of readers you attract on a weekly basis isn’t even in the same conversation as the importance of what they find when they get there. All impressive numbers mean, given poor content, is that you’ll wind up disappointing more people.
Don’t appear to be an expert, be one. Same goes for being knowledgeable, and experienced. Case studies work wonders. The #1 thing real estate blog readers wanna know, is that you consistently produce results. There’s that most dreaded of all words in the real estate world’s nomenclature.
Riddle me this. Who makes more, the guy who closes 60 deals a year with 500 unique views weekly, OR, the guy who closes 60 deals a year with 5,000 unique weekly views? Take your time, but please show your work.
Unlike so many others, I don’t believe providing proof of results is a bad thing. How many times have we seen online conversations between agents deriding someone who claimed to be #1 in their area? Again, it’s only a baseless claim, one I’ve never made. However, when I was a house agent, back when only NASA had them there computin’ machines, the rubber often hit the road in a homeowner’s living room or kitchen table.
30-50 year old agents from nationally advertised firms would precede me with listing presentations. They were all Top Producers, all #1. The proof was inarguable, as it was not only mentioned in their glossy, multi-colored presentation notebooks, but their cards as well. Surely they wouldn’t make it up? Then it was time for my appointment.
Picture a blonde 24 year old Forrest Gump with a tie and a clipboard walkin’ up to the front door tryin’ his damnedest to look 29. We’d go through the obligatory walk-through, then sit down to talk business. What about my company? My experience? How would I sell their home? At what price and how quickly? You know the drill. Remember when I said,
“It’s at that point a blog’s author either wins ’em over or loses ’em”?
It’s at that point, the question and answer period. That’s when I turned my clipboard around so they could see it more clearly. It had a list of homes recently listed and sold within 2-3 hundred yards of their home. I’d listed and sold all but two. Game over. Elapsed time: 13 minutes.
Please press hard while signing, there are three copies.
Produce content of that nature on your blog consistently and you’ll get traction. The dead president kinda traction, the only kind that matters. It’s about them, and what you can do for them. Convey deeply rooted professional experience. Demonstrate expertise by way of examples. Show a profound knowledge on whatever topic you choose to write — your knowledge.
I promise you your readers will eventually raise their hands once they’re convinced you’re all those things AND trustworthy. Don’t worry about the competition. Just as there’s a seemingly endless supply of agents, most blogs aren’t worth the paper they’re not written on.
Missy Caulk says:
March 11, 2011 — 6:44 pm
Jeff Brown says:
March 11, 2011 — 6:50 pm
Mark Brian says:
As my wife says when I start talking about website traffic: “Did it sell any houses?”. Hard to argue with that point.
March 12, 2011 — 10:19 am
Joe Salcedo says:
Amen to this:
“The thing is, and this is a secret kept well by successful bloggers, it usually takes six months or more to get bankable results. ”
I was talking to my mom yesterday, a successful businesswoman (tailoring) and she told me she didn’t really see the utmost fruits of her labor until the fifth year of doing dirty work.
And YES, CASE STUDIES are a fine way to communicate your expertise without sounding like donald trump.
March 12, 2011 — 12:17 pm
jeffrey gordon says:
Case studies huh? like what the duplex market is like in various cities? Sounds like a good idea, I sure hope someone does that soon!
great story Jeff!
I might add that a lot of Web traffic secrets/SEO BS was founded on the premise that website owners would be making very minimal profits per sale. Thus the need for all that easy to get huge visitor traffic by gaming google et al.
The assumption is the visitor didnt need to be sold beyond landing on the landing page–they would just throw themselves and their money down.
I will not follow that ridiculous line of thought that no “closing” is necessary concept.
We on the other hand are selling one of the highest value purchases anyone ever makes, and we make a lot money when we close the transaction.
Thus it has to follow that we need to be able to “close” folks in a very important transaction and that is not going to happen because of content on any web site or blog.
Rather, as Greg alludes to, that site/blog is there to introduce folks to an agent 24/7 at the customers convenience (some wise souls might even consider a lot of younger folks dont have the attention span to read and would rather view/listen to content).
Technology is a small part of the success in any of the effective sites beyond maybe making content creation easier for the site owner.
I would hazard to guess that if an agent is not going to be just as specific in their site content as they would be in farming a small market area, then they have little chance of establishing in anyone’s mind that that agent is the go to agent.
Especially when almost every re agent I know is a mile wide and an inch deep in their online content. Way too much competition for google and eyeballs for my liking.
if you get 500 visitors weekly you could not possibly be able to close anymore than you do with 2-5 daily, I know I remember getting 30 requests a day from Adwords and text ads in newspapers–a huge problem trying to follow up.
For me give me 5 new web prospects a week and I am sure that volume will lead to 1-2 deals a month, and that is assuming most of them are not ready to move and/or qualified to buy.
My point is a good agent should be able to close at least 1/3 of the folks they talk to—actually 50% is more likely with any kind of a reasonable guaranteed offer of satisfaction model.
Long copy is very effective advertising, to me that means a foot wide and a mile deep on a geo market or property type market–i.e. like your small residential investment market.
I sure would love to watch you go head to head with an SEO/Facebook consultant some day–a lot of fur would fly!
March 12, 2011 — 8:50 pm
Jeff Brown says:
Actually Jeffrey, it’s happened a couple times. They kept interrupting my points till I asked them how much their approaches were puttin’ in the bank.
Crickets. As per usual.
Case studies/comparisons coming like a tsunami. π
March 12, 2011 — 9:23 pm
Steven Kenway says:
With all blogging, I believe the question is not whether or not to produce a blog but what should the content be and who is the audience? Are you blogging to other agents or are you blogging to your clients.
March 12, 2011 — 11:59 pm
Rodil San Mateo says:
Jeff – Does this blog page demonstrate to home buyers that I can fund their home purchase i.e. “Show them the money”? π
March 13, 2011 — 10:16 pm
Jeff Brown says:
Hey Rodil — Killer site. Love it.
March 15, 2011 — 1:33 pm