[This is one of the all-time most popular posts on BloodhoundBlog. I’m reprising it for Project Bloodhound, first because it’s a nice leveraged SEO solution, and second because it’s a painless introduction to customizing the PHP in WordPress. –GSS]
Who can probe all the mysteries of Google? Not me, and I don’t even do referrals on the subject. But I can give you a 93% solution to the problem, and you can worry about the other 7% when you’re not too busy handling incoming traffic.
What’s the secret? Like this: Relevance equals Title plus Headline plus Body Copy. If those three elements are in close correspondence, to Google the article is what it says it is. If that sounds like a Zestimate of a burned down house, it’s because it is. Software cannot evaluate objectively, it can only draw inferences from trusted indicators. If you leave a trail of indicators that Google associates with highly-relevant content, then it is highly-relevant content.
I’ve talked about writing headlines and body copy that are long-tail keyword rich. If you have a WordPress weblog, here’s a way to get your post’s title to correspond to its headline:
<title> <?php wp_title(" "); ?> <?php if(wp_title(" ", false)) { echo " | "; } ?> YourBlogName | Your blog's tagline... </title>
Here is what that code says:
If there is a headline, show it as the title of the page. On your main page, there is no title. On archive or category pages, the archive or the category will be the title.
If we did show a title, lay down a vertical bar as punctuation.
Then show the weblog’s name and tag line, separated by a vertical bar.
Altogether, the code means that when your post is shown as a standalone weblog entry, the title of that page will be the headline of the post. This is the way Google will see it for indexing purposes. And what that means is that Google will regard your post as being highly relevant.
You can snag a copy of the code you see above by clicking here. The file you need to edit is named “header.php”. You’ll find it in the folder for your active theme inside the “themes” folder of the “wp-content” folder of the WordPress installation on your file server. You want to replace the existing title tag with your edited version of the code shown here. If you don’t know exactly what I just said, take this problem to someone who does.
The cool thing is, once you made this change, Google will index all your old pages with their new titles, as well. In the long run, all of your long-tail keywords should benefit.
< ?php include ("REWL101.php"); ?>
Getting in touch with your inner geek:
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- Catch your kid doing something right: Our son Cameron and the upgrade path of SlideShowMarge
- How to make Google your weblog’s best friend…
- Speaking in tongues: Presentable PHP in WordPress
- Speaking in tongues: Dynamically updated lists of links in PHP
- Speaking in tongues just for Cheryl Johnson: Building content-rich custom web sites in PHP
- Speaking in tongues for Morgan Brown: A quick and dirty contributors’ blogroll
- Speaking in tongues: A step-by-step guide to speaking in web sites
Want more? Real Estate Weblogging 101 will speak to your inner geek.
Technorati Tags: blogging, real estate, real estate marketing
Mike Levin of HitTail says:
Boy, is that right on target. Whatever goes into your title field becomes the URL, title tag, headline text and anchor text in links all over the blog. It’s almost an unfair edge in SEO. The only challenge after knowing that is choosing the right topics to unleash the maximum traffic potential for your blog in the shortest period of time.
March 27, 2007 — 12:45 am
John Corey says:
Thanks for sharing. It looks simple enough to make the suggested changes for with their own WordPress server.
John Corey- Real estate investor, 20+ years – multiple states and countries.
http://johncorey.wordpress.com/ – advice for real estate investors.
March 27, 2007 — 6:54 am
Greg Swann says:
> Whatever goes into your title field becomes the URL
Mike raises an interesting point. BloodhoundBlog uses the default, numbered system for naming posts, but if you select the “Date and name based” option (under Options/Permanlinks in WordPress), then your post’s URLs will tend to reinforce your SEO strength as well. You can furter influence this by explicitly editing the “Post slug” field for keyword relevance as you draft your post.
March 27, 2007 — 8:34 am
Jesse Bilsten says:
Just to mention in wordpress you can always use <code></code> or <pre></pre> to post code. There are also numerous plugins to help stylize/color that code to match the most popular IDE’s.
Code display plugin: http://www.thunderguy.com/semicolon/wordpress/code-markup-wordpress-plugin/
Syntax Highlighting plugin:
If you have any other questions on stuff feel free to ping me at work through email 🙂
As to the topic of this post, it’s not generally known to new bloggers or people just now inducted to the web, but your H1, H2 and subsequent paragraph should contain all your keywords related to the post as well as be a brief description of what the page is about. The search engines (google being only one) will give preferential treatment to the H1’s and first following description (p tags usually) as the website’s descriptor. In the case of an agent, this most likely should always contain their name and area they serve and a description of the article.
<h1>Joe Smith - Silicon Valley</h1>
<h2>Why you should buy a house from me</h2>
<p>Buying a house from me will provide you with 5 immediate benefits. I've outlined these benefits and will go into detail about them in this article.</p>
March 27, 2007 — 9:54 am
Greg Swann says:
> It looks simple enough to make the suggested changes for with their own WordPress server.
I just checked. Your weblog is already set up this way. I don’t know what can be changed in a WordPress.com-hosted weblog, but it’s something to watch for if you change themes in the future.
March 27, 2007 — 9:54 am
dustin says:
I implemented this change (thanks to Greg’s advice) back in December and noticed two things…
1) The traffic to one key search [Seattle Real Estate] dropped completely off of Google’s radar. My website was ranked in the top ten for this search, but once I made the change, I’m way down the page… My gut says that because the page title of ALL my posts no longer starts with those key words (i.e. “Seattle’s Rain City Real Estate Guide”), Google has decided RCG is not related to those words.
2) The organic traffic from Google is WAY up from all the other keywords! So it was worth it! I’ve noticed that Google is sending a lot more traffic to deeper links within my site and this is a GREAT thing because this is where my content is most relevant!
I think I’ll write a post on this experience (backed up with numbers!), when I get a minute.
March 27, 2007 — 10:23 am
Jesse Bilsten says:
It’s definitely dependent on what your goals are. Your title/h1/h2/p combination should be tuned to your keyword and search goals. If you’re an agent I would “assume” you’d want your area of expertise and your name, but it might be more desirable to be under a different area.
The more articles you post that are related to that area of expertise and that contain keyword rich content (especially links to high ranked sites like RCG, Bloodhound, etc.) the higher your content will be ranked.
SEO tuning for a website is almost 10x more intensive than actually building the site, and requires a very competent web designer to help tune. The better your web designer is from the get go, the better off you will be down the road for SEO tuning.
That’s a common misconception for most Agents I deal with on websites. They believe that the SEO part of the website is included in design and coding of the site. Which is partially true, but only I’d say about 5% of the process (albeit very important) but the majority of the work and marketing comes afterwards. This is a never ending process that must be maintained by either a professional, or by a very diligent agent.
March 27, 2007 — 10:35 am
Tom says:
Here are a couple that are my favorites for wordpress.
Optimal Title – moves the post title in front of the name of the blog. Huge SEO bump.
Yes WWW – gets rid of double entries in the search engines for your site. if someone types in http://therealestatebloggers.com it automatically converts it to http://www.therealestatebloggers.com . If half of your incoming links are to http://therealestatebloggers.com and the other half to http://www.therealestatebloggers.com , Google internally thinks of them as 2 competing sites. By using the Yes WWW plugin you get rid of the problem and get the full SEO benefit.
March 27, 2007 — 12:10 pm
Todd Carpenter says:
As evidense that Greg is on the right track, Blogger (owned by Google) does something similar
I guess they’ed know.
March 27, 2007 — 8:18 pm
Mark Ballard says:
Great Advice. Thank you
March 28, 2007 — 4:53 pm
John Wake says:
Great tip! Thanks. Done.
BTW, I don’t like removing the original code so I just comment it out. PHP comments are // to comment out to the end of the line, or /* and */ to comment out multiple lines.
//A comment on a single line
A comment
on multiple
December 31, 2007 — 12:34 am
James Cook says:
I am confused as to where I need to post to get SEO for my website through blogging? http://www.askforjames.com
June 27, 2008 — 1:07 pm
Robert Kerr says:
FYI: Harvard Business Review questions the value of the long tail:
Should You Invest in the Long Tail?
June 27, 2008 — 10:49 pm