This short note from my email says it all:
Love the ‘E-sign’ thing. Don’t even need a printer or scanner, can do it all from the beach.
Sunbathing on the beach in Aruba while you buy a rental home in suburban Phoenix? In the words of Austin Powers’ smarter brother: “Why not?”
Julia says:
I was having some trouble with Echosign (that’s the one I use) a couple of weeks ago. I told a client to please sign and fax back. He basically said “No, I’m not going to. Make the magic thing work.”
This, from a guy who had never heard of such a thing 4 days prior.
December 18, 2009 — 5:32 pm
Arn Cenedella says:
I just signed up for Docusign and I intend to make it a big part of my business in 2010. Yes makes it so easy for clients and agents alike. In today’s world, just about everyone travels with their laptop on Blackberry/IPhone. No need for printers or faxes etc.
Life just got easier!
December 18, 2009 — 6:23 pm
jay says:
How has docusign gone down with your lenders. My understanding is many FHA lenders are not accepting the electronic sigs due to lack of clarity by FHA on the matter in terms of their communication with the lenders. FHA will accept them but the lenders mostly haven’t been informed of this by FHA.
And VA does not accept the electronic sigs either.
So how are the conventional lenders doing? Which ones are accepting the docusign contracts and which are asking for traditional signatures????
December 19, 2009 — 9:08 pm
An Bui says:
Greg – thanks for sharing this story. Sunbathing in Aruba sounds great! Electronic signature DOES make life better 🙂
Jay, regarding your question, DocuSign’s Chief Legal Officer, Ken Moyle, has published some blog posts about this issue:
Ken is also the Public Policy Chair of the Electronic Signature and Records Association, a centralized educational resource for its members and the public with respect to the legal, regulatory and operational issues in relation to the use of electronic signatures and records. He leads the policy shaping initiatives around electronic signature acceptance.
At NAR Expo, I spoke with many Realtors who said that using electronic signature helped them get their offers in first. If lenders wanted traditional, or wet signatures, they could get the traditional signatures if the offer were accepted.
Also, there mortgage lenders who use DocuSign:
knowing more information (like where you’re from, for example) would help me help you – please do reach out if you have other thoughts or questions.
December 21, 2009 — 2:15 pm