Me, on Facebook:

Wisdom clearly eludes us: I did the same analysis yesterday:

I won’t promise to do this daily, but clearly I don’t need to: For whatever reason, Sun City listing agents are committed to pricing tactics that incite either rancor or confusion – resulting in costly delays, either way.
Here’s why this matters: While listers goof around playing theory-free, strategy-free pricing games, their sellers’ equity goes up in smoke.
Witness: The buyers got the golf-course lot-premium for free:

Justice is a piece-rate and a toll road: You get what you pay for and pay for what you get. Straight-commission compensation is the best possible incentive for successful sales results. But for every dollar your home falls short of its Fair Market Value at Close of Escrow, your listing agent feels only a few pennies of your pain – and you will pay those pennies even on dollars you concede to the buyer.
Your home is not a mudpie – pointlessly filigreed even as it loses its luster with every wasted Day on Market. You will never draw more attention to the property than on the first weekend. If you repel buyers with stupid or sleazy pricing, your house may do something no real mudpie can do: Lose value.
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