I have a hotsheet for the first time in my career – a daily report on real estate activity in a specific place – in my case within that odd blue shape in the illustration. I call that space 99 Bells, everything age-restricted west of 99th Avenue to the river, south of Bell Road but north of Grand Avenue.
That’s where I live, where I ‘farm’ for listings and where I am most interested in what is going on. So now I get up in the wee hours every morning to see what happened yesterday.
It’s been an eye-opener, to say the truth. I am an avid student of listing mistakes, so there is plenty for me to work with every day. I’ve been studying Sun City listing agents for months, but the hotsheet focuses my attention where – and upon whom – it matters.
So here’s a simple mistake, literally repeated daily, one you can use to test potential agents:
“What’s the best day of the week to post a new listing – or to make a price reduction, should that be necessary?”
There is a right answer, and worse than not knowing it is showing that you don’t know it by making those MLS entries on the worst possible days.
If you follow along with me, I will show you how to get your own home sold faster and for more money. Half the battle, at least, is knowing what not to do…
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