This was a great week. It wasn’t easy getting to a short list of twenty nominees, and I think it’s going to be particularly tough to pick an ultimate winner. I can’t imagine it will be any easier for you to vote for the People’s Choice Award.
What gets a weblog entry onto this list? Good writing, serious content — and especially both. There’s always room for something light-hearted if it’s very well written, but if you’re taking on a matter of true moment, I’m pretty forgiving about the niceties. My admitted bias is toward a deeper understanding of this thing we’re doing, real estate in the twenty-first century.
Vote for the People’s Choice Award here. You can use the voting interface to see each nominated post, so comparison is easy.
Voting runs through to 12 Noon PDT/MST Monday. I’ll announce the winners of this week’s awards soon thereafter.
Here is this week’s short-list of Odysseus Medal nominees:
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"Dan Melson -- Sellers pays commissions Why the Real Estate Buyers Agent’s Commission is Paid by the Seller”,
“Brian Brady — Advertising to Ashley Advertising to Ashley“,
“Jonathan Dalton — Real estate 2.0 Real Estate 2.0 and the Phoenix Real Estate Consumer“,
“Dustin Luther — Make an impact 7 Ways to Make an Impact“,
“Jay Thompson — Aaron Anglin Tragedy Begets Triumph: Why I Love this Community“,
“Jay Thompson — Refrigerator service How to Save $94 on Refrigerator Service“,
“Joel Burslem — ActiveRain/Move Tried to Buy ActiveRain“,
“Michael Wurzer — Standards and monopolies Good Standards Break Monopolies, Not Make Them“,
“Daniel Rothamel — Facebook Why Your Answer to, “Are You on Facebook?” Will Determine the Fate of Your Business in 10 Years or Sooner“,
“Jim Watkins — Down market? Down Sales Market? Think Outside the Box“,
“Bill Leider — Opportunity costs Internet Marketing And Opportunity Cost – Connecting The Dots“,
“Steve Leung — Hidden factors Hidden Factors When Calculating a Home’s Value“,
“Jillayne Schlicke — Deceptive advertising Deceptive Radio Advertising in Mortgage Lending“,
“Patrick Kapowich — Realtor licensing Inside the Santa Clara County Association of Realtors’ Convention. Buyer beware? No. It’s Licensees Beware.“,
“Jeff Brown — Double-edged sword Double-Edged Sword — OR — Planning & Discipline — What Does Your Retirement Look Like?“,
“Dan Green — Data is granular Why Real Estate Data Is Read more