The year’s first edition of The Screed hit the streets of Sun City this week. If you didn’t get yours, download it here.
Better money sooner for Sun City sellers
The year’s first edition of The Screed hit the streets of Sun City this week. If you didn’t get yours, download it here.
From the end of World War II to the mid-70s and beyond, Phoenix built block ranch homes with beshingled rafters. Here and there was a split-ranch, very rarely a basement home. We had learned how to build on slab, which meant that all production homes needed was level lots – and we had a desert full of ’em.
So: Two bedrooms, one bath. Very common at first. Even three bedrooms, one bath and an inadequate wall heater, all in 995 square feet. If you find half-baths in vintage ranch homes, they’re likely to be after-market additions. The big luxury upgrade was the three-quarter bathroom in the master bedroom – toilet, vanity and shower, often in a 6 x 8′ closet-sized space.
Builders put up zillions of these homes, all across the Valley of the Ever-Fecund Sun: Three-quarter bath in the master, eventually with extra space and other luxury amenities, and a ‘full’ bathroom in the hall. What a full bathroom meant was a tub but not a shower. Babies, toddlers and children need bathtubs, so the kid- and guest-bedrooms have access to the tub.
Del Webb built much of Sun City just this way, three-quarter in the master, sometimes with the vanity out in the bedroom, and a tub-bath in the hall. A very common after-market upgrade was to convert the latter into a shower-bath; if you have to duck to rinse off the shampoo, you found one.
But given that the distinction between a two-bathroom home and a one-and-three-quarter is ultimately academic – where the true ‘full’ bath is substantially less useful than either a shower or a shower-bath – I plan to ignore it altogether, going forward.
In other words, in my listings if there are two places to bathe, that’s a two-bathroom home. The inspector or the appraiser can quibble, if they choose, but if they actually look at the photos in the comparable listings, they’ll see that the two types of bathrooms are continuously conflated. The way to search is from 1.75 to 2 bathrooms, to catch everything, and the way to list is to not get bogged down over functionally-equivalent amenities.
There is a new edition of The Screed out today. If you live in 85351, it’s in your driveway, as a pre-printed insert to The Sun City Independent. If you reside elsewhere, click here for a PDF version.
As it says right there in black and white, I am your best resource for Sun City real estate news. You should subscribe to this website, using the form at the bottom of this page, and to our facebook page. Working together, we’ll see what works, what doesn’t – and how to get your home sold ahead of its competition.
Looking for a question that answers itself? Try this one: Does staging work to sell homes? Does freshness move the goods down at the green-grocer’s? Is there really anything to the idea of a ‘new-car smell’?
Delivering a house that is ready in every respect for its new residents definitely works, but it fell to Steve Jobs to show us why staging works: It expresses extreme respect for the buyer’s sagacity – and funding – by delivering a ‘new-in-box’ experience.
As with the iPhone App Store, the unboxing video is an emergent phenomenon, engendered not by Apple but by its customers. But the solemn unboxing of a new toy, very-carefully-boxed, has become a key part of the marketing strategy of new toys.
And new homes, too – big duh. There are no dirty clothes or toast crumbs cluttering up model homes – and they are serviced continuously and cleaned daily. If you’re looking for perfect staging, the ideal ‘new-in-box’ residence, they keep regular hours down at the new home subdivision.
But our job is to deliver that ‘new-in-box’ experience with resale homes in Sun City, many of which are themselves already of retirement age. For the right sum of cash, you can swap in a whole lot of ‘wow-factor’, all without turning your home into a born-yesterday dentist’s office. But with the right kind of staging you can put your best foot forward from wherever you start.
Like this:
1. Declutter. You cannot do this enough, and you will only have finished when you are busily cluttering up your new home. Put away, give away, throw away, rinse and repeat. If you already live in Sun City, good for you: Parks and Sons will haul away almost anything, as much as you can drag out, two days a week. Clutter makes the house hard to see, and it declares that the home is yours, not the buyer’s, where you need for them to see things the opposite way.
2. Deflair. The idea of flair comes from the movie ‘Office Space.’ Flair is the stuff in your home that makes it uniquely your own: Family photos, sports memorabilia, religious symbols, etc. It’s all moving with you, so pack it all up now. White Sox fans are expected to hate the Cubs, but we don’t want them hating you or your house. Nota bene: It is not a denial of your identity to take this stuff down. When you list your home for sale, it becomes an investment property, a retail product, and your job as the seller is to remove as many impediments to the sale as you can. The sooner you pack up the flair, the sooner you can move.
3. Deep clean. Nothing sells houses like clean. If you have no budget for the listing, pay for deep cleaning in the kitchen and bathrooms, anyway. But, as you will have noted, we have substantially empty house to work from, by now. Skilled deep cleaners will unearth dirt you didn’t know you had – but which the buyer can always seem to find. When they are done, the house will seem to pop – the essence of that ‘new-in-box’ feeling.
4. Stage. Occupied? Make it work with what’s there. Vacant? Make something work. Everything’s a trade-off, and budgetary considerations loom, but recall that your model of perfection is the brand new model home. Given virtual staging, if your home is vacant you can make do with ‘decorator staging’ – candles, towels, tchotchkes – on the property. When buyers have fallen in love with the ideal in the listing photos, a sparser reality on-site will not prove dismaying.
5. Photography. Yes, the fifth stage of staging happens after the staging is done. You can’t do anything in the way of retouching or virtual staging without photographs. But more importantly, perfect staging doesn’t last. People move things. They track in mud or bougainvillea petals. They reclutter – incessantly. The MLS listing is where the house will sell, if it is to sell high and fast. The objective of all this staging effort is to get the perfect listing photos that will sell the house as soon as it hits the market.
Don’t want to go to all that trouble? I do. We have people who can do everything that needs to be done – but it does need to be done. If you follow me on Facebook, you’ll see me highlighting badly-sold homes, but the tragic part of the story comes when they sell – badly.
Does staging work? Only if you want your house to sell quickly and for top dollar…
My apologies for being late with the latest excoriations. The bad news is always bad, as above, 2167sf with three bathrooms thrown away as the inevitable consequence of starting sleazy and high.
See for yourself, by chart and by way of this 30-day live link into the listings:
The good news? The Snowbirds are back and buying. The other end of the chart has some impressive performances, and – huge surprise – homes that are priced wisely and to market are selling well. The cloud around that silver lining is that new listings are being added in Sun City much faster than closed listings are depleting the available inventory. That argues for profound pain when the Snowbirds go back home again. Plan accordingly…
Scio in Latin is ‘I know.’ It’s a beautiful as atoms – both ‘sc’ and ‘io’ denote beautiful ideas – but it’s ‘sc’ in English that lends so much ammunition to my cannonades of wit. We have already had The Screed – Sun City Real Estate Eviscerations and Dismay – and now I inaugurate SCUBA – the Sun City Underground Buyer’s Agenda.
I don’t even represent Sun City home-buyers, but I’m not sure anyone else does, either. Luckily, Del Webb’s homes are the very best of ‘good bones’. If you stay on top of the roof, so to speak, the block home beneath it will last for centuries.
And yet: A retirement home that is itself old enough to retire will have required successive updates to deliver on the promise of its good bones. The buyer’s agenda is to nail those issues down, discounting for anything that is either missing or undone.
So here is my EZ punch list for every home, for every buyer in Sun City:
1. No fridge?
2. No window treatments?
3. No landscaping?
4. Popcorn ceilings?
5. Single-pane windows?
6. Two-prong wiring?
The first two mean time, money and effort before you can move in. For the third, the neighbors are good and ready for you to stop looking like a rental. And if the home needs serious upgrades to remain competitive, you will do them on the way out if not on the way in.
Only a plumber can tell you if the pipes need help, but you can see everything I’m talking about in the photos in the MLS listing. None are deal-killers, necessarily, but they all make a difference, both on what you should pay as a buyer and on what you will reap, in due course, as a seller.
Do you know what is most interesting about real estate commissions?
It’s entirely the wrong number to focus on. The metric I use – net-Sold Price / Original List Price – is far better.
After all, what good does it do you to save 1.5% on commissions only to lose 10% or more of your equity by working with the wrong agent?
Here are the 30 most-wrong marketing efforts for Sun City real estate in September:
This link to the listings is live for 30 days.
I can demonstrate every claim I make in these consistently dismal results. If you want to do better with your home, I can show you how to get at, near or above Fair Market Value in very few Days On Market.
My apologies for not writing here more often. I intend for the posts on this weblog to be canonical – enduringly true for all Sun City home sellers. Whenever you come here, you should learn something important.
For matters of lesser moment, or for the individual instances making up a trend, see me on Facebook. I read the Sun City MLS every day, and I use what I see in every day’s new and closed listings to teach lessons great and small.
And you should be subscribed to both resources. There is literally no one else telling you the truth about about Sun City real estate, so it’s lucky that I’m the best person to do that job.
Here’s fun: Sun City sellers should definitely be following me, and, as above, I can be helpful to buyers. But the people who should be glued to their screens are the listing agents: I know all about what they’re getting wrong – and I know how to get this job right.
If you subscribe to the weblog, using the form at the bottom of this page, you’ll get email notices when I post here, a few times a month. If you follow me on Facebook, you’ll see a few brief posts a day. Either way, I’ll show you everything that is and isn’t working in Sun City residential real estate.
The emails go out Thursday morning, early, to catch your early-morning eyes. A search portal from your agent? An auto-search you set up yourself on a real estate website? However you arranged things, that email is there to help you plan your weekend home search. And, of utmost importance, the newer listings are flagged with some form of eye-catching text like “NEW!”
And the emails go out again Friday morning, and you pay special attention to the “NEW!” listings because you’re not enthralled with the list you made Thursday.
And the emails go out again on Saturday morning – to go unread or to be set aside for later consideration. Come Saturday morning, you’re looking at houses, not listings.
And if a home was newly listed after Friday’s emails went out? It has, just by that one false move, lost two-thirds or more of the selling power of the word “NEW!” If you jumped on the grenade while the general was golfing, you didn’t get the medal. And if you moved heaven and earth to list a property for sale on the wrong day, this error alone is likely to have enduring consequences.
I’m belaboring this for two reasons:
Second, there were ten brand new listings in Sun City from 1:22 am Friday to 2:52 am Saturday. That’s a lot for any day, and it’s very likely that most or all of them missed out on Friday’s emails. They will not be showing today, Saturday, because the buyers didn’t see them when they were looking for homes to visit today.
But first, this mistake (there will be new listings tomorrow, Sunday, the worst day to be “NEW!”) goes to everything I talk about. EVERYTHING counts in a new listing. The list price matters most, but absolutely everything matters.
The reason is in the headline: You will never have more attention, more excitement, more follow-up interest in your MLS listing than you will have over the first weekend. It is your magic moment to shine, with everything in the listing as close to perfect as you can make it – the wishbook page of your buyer’s idealized future, a breathtaking rhapsody to be heard only within the confines of this one perfect space…
If the price is right – if the value is right – you will excite all the interest you need to sell the home from Thursday to Tuesday – at, near or above list price. The first weekend is your best and perhaps your only chance to ‘beat’ the Fair Market Value of your home. Not by much – everyone is doing the same math – but an irresistible listing can beguile more than one buyer, resulting in a bidding war, which is unlikely to happen later.
Everyone makes mistakes, and you fix what you can when you realize your errors – or when very generous buyer’s agents point them out in showing feedback. But: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. By the time the “NEW!” is off your rose, you may already be doomed to sell below market – no matter where you started.
Everything matters – price first – because you never get a second chance at the first weekend.
Ahem. It’s easy to look at a long list of failed, fractured listings and think, “Well, the agents are really dumb, after all.” That surely is true, but it doesn’t mean that they are not also cynical, craven, mercenary, deceptive and predatory: You can’t slash the list price on a listing you don’t have…
So here we have The Dirty 30 for August 2024 in a 30-day live look into the MLS, the worst closings in Sun City this month:
When you’re giving away anywhere from 11% to 27% off the Original List Price, it’s not hard to figure out what the problem is. And whether or not agents are too dumb to learn better, I have every confidence that YOU are not.
Pricing to market in wise numbers produces better, faster results. If, on the other hand, you would rather wait for months for your money, you can pocket a whole lot less of it for your trouble…
When life hands you a lemon… make the most of it!
I shot my mouth off about throwaway homes, so life handed me one and told me to put up or shut up.
Well, it didn’t quite happen that way. Karen Mushier, a Sun City paralegal who handles wills, trusts, probates, etc., sat me down and explained to me how so many Sun City homes come to be thrown away: The last living resident dies with no heirs, and so it falls to the probate system to reckon with the estate’s assets and debts.
And then she did me one better, referring a badly-neglected property to me to list for sale. The heirs had been identified, and one of the two, designated as the ‘personal representative’ (think executor) of the deceased, was to be my client.
So: The owner had been old and ailing and her live-in paramour was a hoarder of the first water. He packed the house with stuff for around ten years, and then it was abandoned for another four. This is a view of the living room on the day I followed our locksmith – my nephew Tim Brannum of Lockology – into 10754 West Hope Drive:
The water was off but the power was on, and had been on without interruption for the four years the house sat empty – there were still-frozen Klondike bars in the fridge. Every room was stacked high with stuff – some of it just debris, but a lot of new-in-original-packaging merchandise.
A patio had been converted into a dining room at some point, and then that room had been converted into a barn-like kennel for big dogs. That particular space has impressed itself upon my olfactory nerve, seemingly permanently: I will smell those dogs forever.
The two front bedrooms were so packed as to be impassable, at first. Maybe half of their contents was landfill-bait: Huge tubs of old paper documents and VHS tapes. But the other half was resalable merchandise in huge quantities: Paper goods, especially, but all sorts of stuff, much of it obtained at clearance prices from places like Harbor Freight Tools.
I needed the house emptied, but I had no budget. So we had a sale, not in pursuit of money but of bulk-reduction: Everything you buy at a deep-deep discount is trash we don’t have to pay to send to the dump.
The house, the garage and the back yard we are packed with stuff that either could be sold or needed to be trashed. We spent Friday through Sunday emptying everything – and we made that part of Hope’s redemption pay for itself.
Friday was cheap, Saturday cheaper and Sunday was free – if it can be moved, remove it. A sweet lady wanted to search the kitchen for cookware, so I made her this deal: “If you touch trash, don’t just push it aside, put it in a trash bag.” As a result of that little speech, she got what she wanted and she cleaned the kitchen for me in the process.
The sale paid its own labor costs – one person outside selling, one inside removing stuff – plus it paid for the landscaping I had had done, and there was enough left over to pay a cleaner to follow up on the final trashout. But the real triumph was getting virtually everything off of the property at no cost to the seller.
Oh, but if only that was all that needed to be done. The next step, after the sale, was whipping the house into a more-presentable shape. It needed more than we could give it, but I wanted to put its best foot forward, which meant getting the rest of the debris out and dismantling clumsy home-handyman constructions like the dog kennels/stalls. An enormous job, and it was done from Monday to Thursday:
Next came my real function, listing the home for sale. Because it is in such rough shape, it could not qualify for conventional financing – cash or hard-money loans only. Even so, I made a wishbook listing, rhapsodizing the home’s past and future glory. We had met a number of monied Yuppie couples at the sale, and I was hoping for similarly-situated buyers: Cash-rich and eager to take on an adventure.
I met more of those couples as the house was listed, but none prepared to pull the trigger, alas. Instead, I heard from swarms of wholesalers, predatory and destructive. It took me three tries, but I figured out how make it safe to negotiate with them. We finished in 12 days-on-market, but at 90.90% of the Original List Price.
But Hope Drive’s redemption is but barely begun. We sold the home to a true investor, not a wholesaler, and he is already at work rehabbing the property. Here it is last night:
I’m eager to see what happens next for this home. When we took possession, its value was hidden under deep piles of debris. As we worked, we discovered the good bones that had been buried there all along. The next step in Hope’s redemption will be dramatic – so stay tuned.
Meanwhile, this experience illustrates perfectly the listing agent’s job in getting a home sold: Whatever it takes.
What’s a home-buyer? Someone who wants to move up or to stop paying rent or to relocate from another city. Someone with stuff to be housed and who desires, periodically, to bathe and sleep in private. They want a specific, carefully-chosen home, and they don’t want to lose out on it.
But then there are buy-and-hold and fix-and-flip investors. They want the home to invest in, but not quite as urgently: They keep their stuff in their own homes, and, at a certain point, other opportunities can seem more promising.
And then there are wholesalers. They want the home, but only at an insanely low price, and they don’t particularly care which home they happen to be lily-padding on, provided the price is insanely low.
So first, as a warning to Sun City homeowners: Zillow your address. I am Zillow.com’s first and harshest critic, but your home’s Zestimate is a much better reflection of its Fair Market Value than the number some fast-talker is quoting you over the phone. Unless you are beset by an insuperable emergency that brooks no possible delay, you have no interest in talking to pawn-brokers.
But true pawn-brokers at least bear the risk of owning the merchandise. The self-idealized perfect wholesaler owns nothing except the temporary right to palm a property-under-contract off on a greater fool, who in his turn hopes to flip it to an even-greater fool, each taking a fee for the assignment of the contract.
Eventually the contract lands with a lesser wholesaler, whose job it is to effect the second scam: Renegotiating the already-discounted purchase price even lower – much, much lower. The theory is that you will be so desperate for whatever money you can get that you will cave. Does this work? I can show you MLS listings that suggest that it does, at least sometimes.
But it’s scummy, scummy, scummy, every bit of it. The assignment game is pure rent-seeking – demanding compensation for no added-value. And cancellation blackmail is white-shoe extortion.
How can this be? Don’t free markets protect us from this kind of predation? They should, but markets work by equilibrium – balancing costs and benefits on both sides. Where one side has an unfair advantage, fair outcomes are unlikely.
The problem is Section 6j of the Arizona Association of Realtors Residential Purchase Contract:
The specific villain is line 266 – the right to cancel. Owner-occupants only cancel on inspections if they have deeply misjudged the house – foundation issues, rampant infestations, sewer/septic-tank failure. Normal investors will cancel if turns out there is less juice or more squeeze than was expected. But wholesalers cancel deals with abandon, because there is zero cost – to them – to turning every crank on every candy machine until they find the one that’s broken – the homeowner who didn’t Zillow his address.
The assignment problem is actually trivial, it’s the blackmail-by-threat-of-cancellation that makes wholesalers toxic: The game is to get a property under contract, ideally at a deep discount but at full price if necessary, then torque the seller with demands for a much deeper discount on pain of cancellation. The buyer has nothing at risk; the earnest money comes back, if it was ever even deposited. But the seller will have gone through escrow’s nine circles of hell, will have made plans and, at a minimum, will have suffered market-bruising from the experience.
How to slay this dragon? It’s actually pretty easy for an MLS-listed home: “By mutual agreement of the parties, Section 6 of this contract is stricken in its entirety.” That does what I want done, but judges might not love language that comprehensive. Instead, my plan for wholesalers is simply to insist on a signed BINSR – the buyer’s inspection form – along with the contract, accepting the house as-is.
That would be the literal intent of entertaining an as-is offer: The seller agrees to accept a discounted price, and the buyer agrees to underwrite his own risks in operating from an information deficit. Second, if you imagine that you can evaluate the property financially without seeing it, then presumably you can also physically inspect it in the dark. But first, if you actually do want to perform the due diligence appropriate to a true investor, and not a scam-running rent-seeker, do it now, before you write the contract.
Do you see the benefit? I don’t want to deprive genuine investors of the opportunity to inspect the property and to demonstrate its value to their own standards. But I do want to chase away all of the fleas who will never do what I am asking – which takes care of the assignment problem, too. And I want to make sure that I am negotiating price only once.
The purchase contract is broken in the same way the marriage contract is broken, rewarding defection and penalizing cooperation. The fix is to take away the reward for defection: If you insist you must buy from the discount rack, the terms are cash-and-carry – a contract with no contingencies.
Now that is a W-I-D-E image.
That’s a screenshot of my comps for Hope Drive, as seen in my custom list view in ARMLS. If you click on the picture, it will get bigger so you can actually read it.
It’s called ‘Zesidential’. I started building it when I was a ‘pricing algorithm’ for Zillow’s iBuying spree. You’re seeing it in its ideal application: Stacking up comparable properties by their mission-critical features to make at-a-glance apples-to-apples comparisons. It literally creates a table of details, making it easy to select the most comparable/proximate/recent sales.
I’ve talked about some of my other pricing tools. There are others: Custom data exports from ARMLS imported into Google Sheets and calculated and sorted thereupon. That’s how I make The Dirty Thirty, for example.
I can write software, and I used to do things that way. But the customizable tools built into ARMLS coupled with the infinite, intricate elegance of Google Sheets, are giving me everything I need right now.
If you are an ARMLS member, I can share this list view with your broker, who can share it with you. Otherwise, you are stuck with the very limited default list view, when you look at a selection of listings in a 30-day-live-look ARMLS link.
But: At least you know what you’re missing…
My apologies for not writing here more. I wanted to reflect on the second quarter, and I have interesting things to say about 2-bedroom/1-bath floorplans generally. All still undone.
But: As ever, we are graced with very bad closings in Sun City – 81 Days-on-Market on average for July, with and average of 6.51% clipped off of the Original List Price. (Attention sales-commission shoppers: You’re focusing on the wrong metric.)
This is a 30-day live link to the Dirty 30 listings for July 2024. And here they are summarized – concentrated catastrophes:
Thirteen of the 126 Closed listings for July finished at or above Original List Price with no concessions. Guess what they have in common…?
June has shuffled away, taking the second quarter with it. I’ll have more to say about both shortly, but for now I want to harp on a familiar theme: The unrelenting ineptitude besetting Sun City home sellers.
Summarized above and linked for 30 days are The Dirty 30, June’s worst performers in terms of net results – (Sold Price minus Concessions) / Original List Price – giving up 9% or more.
Yes, that’s awful, but 64% of June’s 111 closings gave up 3% or more off of the Original List Price – typically taking forever to fail with a whimper. Of those 111 closings only lucky number 13 finished at or above Original List Price – and, of course, some of those are inflated FHA/VA transactions.
There is a right way to sell real estate – at or above Fair Market Value in minimal Days on Market. Sadly, almost no one in Sun City works that way.